Instagram is constantly updating its app to provide the best user experience and to keep users on the platform as long as possible.
The first change is in the news feeds. Initially on Instagram you used to see at the top the most recent post. All posts were in chronological order. Then Instagram changed the algorithm and was showing the content that they thought users liked most. So, basically users could see, at the top, content that was 4 days old. Instagram users didn’t like that and Instagram decided to add a “New Posts” button that lets users manually refresh their feeds (rather than it happening automatically). That means that users will have the choice to view posts as most recent or recommended by instagram.
Lately, users were able to show only 10%-20% of their content to their followers. With this new feature the percentage of exposure is going to increase. This new feature is still being tested, which means only select Instagram users currently have it.
Another feature that Instagram introduced is the fact that now you can add Hashtags and @ on the profile biography. This means that Instagram is putting more emphasis on hashtags and it also allows to cross promote accounts. Businesses can benefit from this feature by adding hashtag location and hashtag type of business for example #toronto #restaurant and make it easier for people to find businesses.
There are also rumours that Instagram is going to introduce a Cinemagraphic feature which is a photo with a small portion of it in motion. If this feature is released it make take over boomerang. The purpose of the feature is to catch the attention of followers and to generate more engagement.
Another rumor is the Focus feature. Basically, it allows people to take stylized portraits, blur the background image and focus on the face or subject. As we speak this feature is under testing which means that it will probably be coming out very soon.
Changes and features are made to provide a better experience for users, but with a bit of creativity and strategy they can also help businesses get more exposure and engagement.
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